The Awesome Adventure Series is comprised of original textbooks, music and comic books designed to develop learners' English skills. It engages them with three key elements arranged into a sequence of distinct units: a song unit, a story unit and then a unit of communication activities that tie them all together. This 8 book series is designed to function as a year long communication course for learners in a classroom environment. The music and stories can be enjoyed by themselves.
Awesome Adventure Series Level 1
The Awesome Adventure Series is comprised of original textbooks, music and comic books designed to develop learners' English skills. It engages them with three key elements arranged into a sequence of distinct units: a song unit, a story unit and then a unit of communication activities that tie them all together. This 8 book series is designed to function as a year long communication course for learners in a classroom environment. The music and stories can be enjoyed by themselves.
Where's My Place? is part of the Awesome Adventure Series and follows the main character Leo as he moves to a new town, a new home and a new school. Join Leo and his family as he tries to fit in and makes friends with a magical creature called Myu. Maybe a little magic can help him to find his place in the world.
The Level 1 books:
Awesome Adventure Series Level 1
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